Percentage (%)
Fraction out of 100.

You will need skills with fractions (simplifying and multiplying)


Fractions can be expressed in different ways. Percentage is another way of expressing a fraction. The only difference is that percent is always measured out of 100.

For example, we sometimes say that half the population is female. We can also say that 50 percent of the polulation is female. It is the same.



We can even have more than 100%. For example we can say that Fred invested wisely and after one year he had 107% of the initial amount he invested. What this means is that Fred had his original amount, that he invested, plus 7% of his original amount. So Fred now has 107% of his original amount.

For every $100 Fred invested he received his $107.

During a football game we may say that 70% of the spectators are male, what this means is that for every 100 people 70 are male or for every 100 people 30 are female.

Percent gives us a way to compare easily different amounts, since it is always out of 100.



The image on the right represents 100 squares. 4% of these squares are red.

Another way of saying this is that 4 out of every 100 squares are red.

Lets imagine we have 200 squares. If 4% of squares are red how many red squares should we expect to count?

Consider the question on the right. What percentage of smarties are green?

Step 1 Express the number of green smarties as a fraction over the total number of smarties.

Step 2 Multiply the fraction by 100

Step 3 Simplify

Step 4 Finally mulitply the two fractions